A Tightly-Knit Bunch


With all the recent hoopla dominating the media about "gay marriage" and "just-like-you gay soldiers," I have been feeling that the narrative concerning queers is becoming more narrow, more politicized, and just plain creepy. This constant drumbeat (even from our own organizations) to be seen as "normal" and this blaring call for us to exactly impersonate straight relationship behaviors in every social aspect isn't what I signed up for four decades ago. 


So, I wanted to create a scenario that exemplified what at least some of us cocksuckers like about our "lifestyle." I drew this piece to celebrate men who enjoy sex with each other just for its own sake and without the superficial patina of romance or some other element of a public-sanctioned proscription. "A Tightly-Knit Bunch" doesn't just refer to the guys entwined in this drawing. It also describes the spiritual connection and masculine strength "guy like us" experience when we fuck and suck and grope and grind each other because we fucking love it. I won't be marginalized by straight shitheads, and I certainly won't be marginalized by the "good homos" who champion monogamy, celebrate adopting babies and complaisantly sit in church pews while thinking they're the same as the dull, morbidly vacuous heteros. Fuck that noise!


I will be a "sexual outlaw" until I draw my last breath. I will not be swayed by the tyranny of mendacity.

— Michael Kirwan



A Tightly-Knit Bunch — 2010 — 9½" x 11"




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