Black Knight 1

I have to admit that as a younger man the parks were always my favored hunting grounds. The backgrounds are complicated and time consuming but I always think that the "trip to the woods" resonates with not only queer guys but the "dabblers" who've recognized that they can always get their "shoes polished" under the dark canopy of trees. Of course, there was always the danger of cops showing up to break up the party (and rabid fag-bashers), but that added to the fear factor, which is an incredible turn-on. I can't remember the story that accompanied this illustration but I recall being excited by the suggestion that a cop would participate in the woodsy shenanigans and that this particular officer was black. There were a lot of "Cops"-type shows on, and it was common to see black guys beings thrown up against a patrol car. So, I liked the notion of turning that staple completely on it's head by swapping the characters and the intentions.


— Michael Kirwan


Black Knight 1 — 1991


Originally published in Honcho magazine June, 1991.




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